
A Prayer, a smile and Peace.

I´m really happy today. It´s been an amazing year, trusting the Lord, living by his grace.
Every step of the way he´s been faithful to me. Protecting me, guarding me, taking control of every little issue and covering for me all of my faults, that are so many.

I can for surely say that he has helped me in all of my dreams and victories.

1. The Champions of faith album is a reality
2. The Box - My house is a reality
3. The family bonds deeper now than before
4. 3 years at McCann Erickson and still kicking
5. The visions of a great job, exciting plans, my life project for God is closer than ever...

I only pray to remain close to his love and it all depends on me for he is always there to hug me whenever I cry to him, but I need to spend more time with the King. I pray for time and strength and LOVE to search him with all my heart!

There are still some voids to be filled. Some health issues to take action upon. So much more love to give.

May my heart be totally restored this year is the silent prayer of my spirit to you Dear, Dear, Dear Jesús.


Coup d'état to Cupid!

Mr Sandman, Cupid, all those lazy matchmakers should resign their posts and do something productive with their lives. Most of the people I know, are not happily married and those who are single, are struggling in a relationship that seems to go nowhere.

As for me.., in the valley of indecision thinking if i really want to be involved in anything or Im just to comfortable right now. Comfortably numb?

I would like a fun new guy to turn my world around... Where the hell is cupid?


The incenDiary

Very little did I know what domino destiny had in store.
As I opened my mouth, and uttered those words... a series of events that led to a massive collision of emotions took place in aproximately... 8 seconds.
Are you familiar with this?
Have you ever been there with the match in your hands...thinking you could start a fire if you drop it, another part of your brain says naaaaaa, a nano second later the match is falling in slooooow moooootion.

Pyromaniacs, nobody likes them, dangerous business to be around them. Controversial and yet, lucky. Fire burns what needs to be burnt. It takes a lot of time to recover soil and plant a seed but... eventually life grows back again... As does everything else. Love, friendship... trust, happiness. If you're bold enough that is.