
Coca-Cola Zero Launch Event

Day Zero finally got here! The launch event was fabulous.
Chopper, Swat team, FBI agents, street dancers, Dj Session,
the whole act was put together and the crowd was amazed.
Mission acomplished, everybody's happy.

On saturday I travelled with my parents to our capitol. But my dad's
old Kia didn't make it. We had to call my brother who came
pick us up to toll us back home.
As we sat there on the road to nowhere under the 44 degrees heat
I realized how long it had been since I didn't spent time with my folks.

We later went to a nearby restaurant by the road and had fish, made
jokes and laughed at our bad luck specially when the foolish car
started working normally again...

It was too late to go to Tegucigalpa anymore so we headed back home.
We were going to a wedding... and one of my dad's friend who
was really eager to see him, since we couldn't make it, took his car
today - sunday- drove to SPS and came over to our house to spend
time with my folks. They went together to the beach and at 4 the
couple left.

It made me wonder... will I have friends this awesome friends when
Im their age.? I have good friends, few, but good, but sometimes the
best people are not the funniest to hang out with... and I find myself
leaving the not so funny behind, for the ones that make laugh, but
aren't so reliable.

Friendship is the best thing we can ever have. Marriage is subject
to change. And is not a garantee in life. If you ever do get married,
there no assureness it will last...
But friendship, no conditions, just there cuz you like to.

As the idealist I am... I vote for friendship as the real thing!