Sometimes things happen... things that could alter your temper, or your mood, or your attitude... Things that in a way, annoy you... but really they shouldn't cause it's none of your business. When these things start happening around you... smile to yourself and imagine yourself at a theater and watch the living actors dwell in a pond of stupidity - forgive my cruelty- but it's right there when people think they are soooo smart that they make such fools of themselves. That my friend is when I sit back and wait... I take out my popcorn bag, relax and watch for the show ahead will be intense. Ohhh nothing like Hollywood, real life is so much better. Some people think that water will never clear the flood... but the river always goes back the way it came from. So sit back and watch. No need to do anything else... but enjoy. Yes, I like it with butter, thank you.
(P.S. This is from my Ad Cemetery, 1998)
(P.S. This is from my Ad Cemetery, 1998)
This post was kinda tough to understand, i read it thrice and i am yet to get the gist of it,
and then i am feeling jealous... you are able to post so regularly, no matter how much i try i am not able to do it.
that "Runphony" Ad, was it done for nike?, i have it as my desktop background and i am finding it difficult to explain it to my colleagues... its really cool.
hey one more thing, i was searching for the entries for Jade awards, but i could not find an appropriate site, can you just post me one.. in course i found a good blog, though the language is a tad profane and appears to chauvinistic, i found it enjoyable... take a look
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