
I can't stop smiling

Today, I went to Lake Yojoa. A beautiful scenario for photography. I'll be uploading some of those pictures here soon. We were there with my friends Charlie and his family, Juan Carlos, Valentin my work partner and Olvin and his family. We had this fantastic fried fish with fried plantains ¡Everything is fried here! and it was superb. The first time I came here, I was 11 and on my way to Tegucigalpa, our capital.

I was with the school band playing this huge, humongous trombone and I was soooo short, it was so funny to watch me play because there's this note on the 6th position where you have to stretch your arm all the way down the slide and since I was little and my arm small I would throw the slide and catch it with my foot, and push it back with my foot all the way so my hand could catch it and keep playing.

So I remember seating watching the water and the cool breeze, and sun rays made the water look silvery and shiny... I had a crush on the guy who played the big drum, or was it the clash? Anyways, he never saw me I guess, but I was thrilled to be at such a romantic place with him and let my mind fly into a dream... but now today I was there watching the same waters and thinking to myself... My memories go back to no one. Is that scary? Because your head always has someone to go back to... but no. Even if it did, I'd bounce back the thought. I just can't believe how happy I am at this stage of my life. How happy I am, that I'm able to watch a sunset and enjoy it with just me and not feel absolutely any nostalgia for no one. Like I said, it's scary. Easters were not happy times for me years back. I'm surprised of the good decisions that I took a year ago, and how good I feel about myself now. If I hadn't taken those decisions I would probably still be living in a pool of tears, on contraire... I'm free. I paid the price, and I'm free.
I just can't stop smiling.


Harsha said...

hi alexandra

that trombophone thing was really funny, wish you could post a video of that :)

Harsha said...

hi alexandra

I am absolutely sorry for not posting anything after my first post, infact it was only today that i read your comments and the fact that somebody would read my blog is making me feel strange... anyway... i shall post and look forward for your comments :)