
Me and my huge Pride.

I can´t believe what an arrogant prick I can sometimes become. What truly is amazing is that I´m totally convinced that I´m almost humble most of the time. How can a humble person be a big mouthed idiot? Yes, how my tongue speaks up, and shouts about things I half understand. What righteousness is in me to fight my supposed righteousness about everything. The only thing I´m right about is that God is good and without him I am a condemned sinner. Well of course I believe to be a born again believer, a " follower of Christ", but the term is far beyond my daily practice. Would a follower of Christ, believe to be so much better than anyone else to the point of not caring about anyone else´s path but mine. Then again, Pride comes up, as a follower of Christ, what makes me qualified to enlighten anyone´s path, is mine enlightened enough?

I´m in a flight and I hear the Captain say: Thank you for your attention, we are at 20,500 feet and the tail section just blasted. I am so happy I have the parachute on, but I see the guy next to me and I ask him, didn´t you hear the Captain? Put the Parachute on. But the guy is enjoying the pleasure of the bumpy ride like he was on six flags or something. And I tell him, man we will have to jump! But what if the guy wants to die? I´m not talking bout Hell fire preaching, that will only get him angry and scared.
Yet he doesn´t understand his dangerous condition, he just doesn´t get it. If he knew, he would put the parachute on and never take it off.

All I know is that I´m gratefull I have understood what a stupid sinner I am. And that´s when my arms cling in a hug to the only one who can give me Love as I need it. I have broken every single law on the Ten Commandments, every single one of them. Without the blood of the Lamb, I´m guilty, and my heart is dirty with envy, lies, pride, greed, selfishness. He that comes to the saviour, knowing he must face him on the day of judgment, should know better than coming with a dirty heart.

But... what if He washes it clean?

Would you be too proud to let him?


Hoppy Birdy Johnny, I send you a strung hog!

There was a man who loved the sound of words. He could hear colors and smell music. I dunno how many trips he took all I know is he was taken. He could speak freely even when he didn't want to, it just got out. His tongue was a troublemaker. He looked for forgiveness and probably never found the door. A small door, he always knew where it was. He has a crater on the Lake of dreams named after him, yet, many believe he can't have a place in heaven... All the awful things he said, all the arrogance is minimized when you hear his craddle songs, for all his songs appear to be lullabies. A sweet heart, a harsh voice and a wall in his eyes, for he was worlds appart from our world - he believed to be. Yet, I have always prayed for mercy for this lonely soul, always looking, never finding. Time against his back, old lugagge won the "karma" race, when you just cannot embrace grace and forgiveness. Gardener, I sure hope you have water.


Ya tenemos 16 colchonetas para la comunidad de la Montaña de la Flor.

Hola amigos de Hug Box,

De las 50 familias de la Comunidad de San Jose en la Montaña de la Flor, ya tenemos 16 colchonetas en promesa, donadas por ustedes. Les agradezco a los que ya se han proyectado.
Las colchonetas las estaremos yendo a dejar a Picasso Distribuciones, el mismo lugar que el año pasado, nuestro amigo Leo, nos hace el favor de tenerlas en su local.

Si desean aportar L.300 que es lo que vale la colchoneta, pueden escribirme a alexpoeima@gmail.com para ponernos de acuerdo.

Si quieren ayudar a conseguir personas donantes, les cuento que tengo unos Certificados de Donación con fotos de nuestros amigos Tolupanes, para que puedan hacer esta labor.

Siempre recibimos, juguetes, ropa y articulos de higiene personal para llevarles en Navidad a las familias Tolupanes.

Mil gracias a todos amigos de HUG BOX!!!


Felíz Día de la Mujer Hondureña

Mi abuelito tenía una frase: "Arruinar la reputacion de una mujer es tan facil como empañar un vaso de cristal con el puro aliento". Digo yo: Lo triste es que por más que se lave el cristal ... nunca vuelve a ser nuevo... aunque no lo hayan usado... pero ya quedó empañado para los demás. Feliz día a las mujeres de cristal que llevan su frente en alto a pesar de que vivimos en un mundo de hombres.

Hablar de esto era uno de los temas favoritos de la doctora, de hecho la habíamos invitado para hablar sobre el machismo al programa Cosas de Arriba, por el canal Alfa y Omega Visión. Hubiera dicho cosas como "¿Porqué a los niños les enseñan a sacarse su pene en la calle para orinar?" Machissssmoooo!!!! desde ahí les estamos inculcando nosotras las madres, que ellos pueden sacarse el pene donde quieran a la hora que quieren y como se les de la gana. Machiiissmoooooo!
 Hubiera dicho cosas como porque desde chiquito a las niñas les compran tacitas y cucharitas y cocinitas???? y a los hombres carritos, canicas, pistolas, juegos de doctor!!.... Machhhhiismooooo! Puro Machismo!

Me hubiera encantado oirla... podía escucharla hablar por horas.  Me encantaría poder oírla hoy. Mi bella doc, una de las primeras mujeres hondureñas en estudiar pediatría en Chile y ser pionera en esa rama en San Pedro Sula, cuando aqui lo único que había era Machhhhhissssssmooooo!!! 

Gracias a Dios que ella abrió camino, no para el feminismo sino para mejorar la posición de la mujer en la sociedad, que tanto se necesita. Mujeres como Lul... necesitamos ser Mujeres como Lul.