
¡And the world turns around again!

My two week vacation is almost over and YES I'm back in the game!

I left Ogilvy for all the right reasons and just before my last ounce of patience was gone.
My first thoughts were to try and stand on my own, but I guess my sponsor in heaven had better plans. To my surprise I was called last thursday to an interview at McCann Erickson. I didnot expect that, and it was great to see friendly faces who cheered up my blues. I got a great offer and I will be among friends. The Lord provides.
Ogilvy won a Jade for the interactive Monik at Hi5.com which saved the day. And
Nike made it shortlist at the Jade awards but didn't win a prize, but still, the points added up gave us best creative honduran agency prize (which we shared with BBDO) jejjeej.

But I left with my head up high and the doors wide open. You never know...


My Incomplete Collection of Friends Side A

Hi, not all of my friends are here, I still have to add my most recent and great friends from the office and many more. This is what I will call My friends "Side A".