
I got High on Canopy Adrenaline!

Although Im not working at SP anymore, this gang is always planning dangerous sites to visit, its only to keep the normal way of life you live at ONGS. Risking your life to reach really faraway places... this time we did it for fun. So we went to RAWACALA a canopy place at Omoa, Cortes, where we hiked, climbed that mountain for an hour., and prooved ourselves completely out of shape. Never mind the bettings going on "underground" on who was actually going to make it to the top, as for me I reached last, well almost last... Check out this rich and virgin Merendon Mountains, the place is known as "el salto" The Jump! So JUMP with us to another SP adventure...

Me finally reaching the top

Our outragously overqualified British Chef Monica
and the food criminals Dr. David and Jamil

And that's how we celebrated our country's independence holidays