So I took the job at Excell Ogilvy and this wonderful girl at the office - I think she's the boss but she's so cool she don't seem like the big bad boss- asked me "So what platform do you prefer to work at, Mac or PC?" My eyes went huge and my heart started pumping. I was never before asked what kind of computer I would like, at any of my jobs. Yes I had a Mac at my previous job, but it was this Imac someone left behind, pretty old by the way and with absolutely no capacity...
You might be saying to yourself... what's the big deal? But for us, graphic designers, "creatives wanna bes", that is a mayor concern. Of course I said Mac. But with that simple question I knew I was at the right place. With people who care about how you feel and in a healthy enviroment.
I hope one day I be able to ask some rookie... what platform do you prefer?