
Promise to a Sailor - Promesa a un navegante

The ship sets sails
a new light shines
their eyes are filled with hope
to see what they've expected

Jesus is at the prow facing the storm
his arms wide open
They want to hear him say: “Peace, be still!”

Launch out into the deep!!
Leave behind downhearted lives
at the eye of the whirl you'll find your peace
obedience is the only way to reach

Jesus sleeps, we mustn't wake him
He promised we'll pass through
and reach the next shore
With his help we'll always pass on to the next shore.

La promesa

Zarpa el barco
Una nueva luz les alumbra
Llevan ojos cargados de esperanza
Por ver lo que tanto han anhelado

Jesús está en la proa frente al barco
Cara a cara a la tormenta
Manos al viento
Quieren oir su voz decir: Calla, enmudece!

Boga mar adentro a la tormenta
Atrás quedan las vidas abatidas
En el centro del turbión esta la calma
Para todos los que le obedecen.

Jesús duerme aún… no hay que despertarlo
El nos dijo: Pasaremos a la otra orilla
Si Señor, contigo, pasaremos a la otra orilla.


Matt light Eyes - Ojos de luz mate

Have you seen how sadness shines
and becomes light for others to follow?
Joy shines from learned sadness, it is born from pain,
for pain gives life to happiness
Happy are those who find light in matt eyes
for they know about wounds, and have enough strenght
to lighten the way

May your matt eyes always shine for others.

Ojos de luz Mate

¿Has visto como brilla la tristeza...
y se transforma en lámpara
para que otros vivan?

La alegría brilla de la tristeza aprendida;
del dolor nace y del dolor alegra.
Felices los que encuentran luz
en ojos mate, que saben de heridas,
con fuerza de sobra para iluminar caminos.

Tus ojos de luz sirvan
para iluminar a muchos.